
Every third year in July SITM meets for an international colloquium. Renowned researchers and young scholars discuss papers that were published on the congress webpage beforehand. Thus, there are no lengthy paper presentations, but lively discussions on a highly informed level. The colloquia normally focus on five main topics, covering a wide field of theatre studies, from manuscript to staging, from music to text analysis. Colloquia also include theatre workshops and a medieval theatre festival with performances directed by members of SITM.

The 17th Triennial Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’étude du Théâtre Médiéval will be held in Prague in from 18-21 July 2022. For further information, see the call for papers and productions.

Contribution to the theatre productions (due at the conference): 20 EUR (the exact amount will be specified after 15 April, based on the number of contributors attending in person)
Closing Banquet, 21 July: 40 EUR (due at the conference; for the active participants only)
Excursion to the Court Theatre of Kačina: 30 EUR (due at the conference)


Photo: Lenke Kovács

Updated: 11/4/2021