Newsletter May 2022
Dear members and colleagues, As our 17th triennial colloquium, to be held from 18-21 July in Prague, is approaching, on behalf of the organizing committee, I’d like to thank all the speakers who submitted...
Dear members and colleagues, As our 17th triennial colloquium, to be held from 18-21 July in Prague, is approaching, on behalf of the organizing committee, I’d like to thank all the speakers who submitted...
Chers membres et collègues, À l’approche de notre 17e colloque triennal, qui se tiendra du 18 au 21 juillet à Prague, je voudrais, au nom du comité d’organisation, remercier tous les participants qui ont...
29 juillet 2021 Chers membres et collègues, Veuillez trouver ci-joint l’appel à communications et productions de notre 17e colloque triennal à Prague, qui aura lieu du 18 au 21 juillet 2022. La date limite...
July 28, 2021 Dear members and colleagues, Please find attached the call for papers and productions of our 17th triennial colloquium in Prague, which will take place from 18-21 July 2022. The deadline for...
Bulletin – Février 2021 (Addenda) 18 février 2021 Chers membres et collègues, Un grand merci à vous tous qui avez répondu au premier bulletin que je vous ai envoyé la semaine dernière. Voici quelques...
Newsletter February 2021 – Addenda February 18, 2021 Dear members and colleagues, Many thanks to all of you who replied to the newsletter I sent you last week. Here are some more SITM updates...
Chers membres et collègues, En vous souhaitant le meilleur pour 2021, je voudrais vous fournir les dernières nouvelles de la SITM : European Medieval Drama Un grand merci à Cora Dietl, qui depuis son...
Dear members and colleagues, Wishing you all the very best for 2021, I would like to provide you with the latest news from SITM: European Medieval Drama A warm thanks goes to Cora Dietl,...
Dear members, Shortly before Christmas, I would like to give you an update concerning SITM. 1) I hope you all have received the provisional program of the Genova congress (8–13 July, 2019), circulated in...
Dear members of SITM, While the preparations of the Genova congress (8-13 July, 2019) are still running, I would like to give you a short report from the IMC Leeds, first week of July,...