SITM 2025 Provisional Programme

FRIDAY 18th July

12:00 Registration open

 14:30 Session 1: Cultural and Social Context of Medieval Performance I

  • Liv Robinson: ‘Performing Pastoral Allegory in the Medieval Convent: ‘The Marriage of Faith and Loyalty’’
  • Cora Dietl: ‘Theatrical weddings in conflict communities: Isaac and the women in the plays by Butovius and Stymmelius’
  • Angelika Kemper: ‘ubir alle lant. Ritterschaft im ,Innsbrucker (thüringischen) Spiel von Mariae Himmelfahrt’’
  • Andreea Marculescu : ‘ «Qu’on dit qu’il y a en France // Les plus doulces gens de ce monde » : Community, Race, and Religion in Mystère de saint Remi (1520)’

16:15 Coffee

 16:30 Performance 1: The Game of Nibelungen (Cie Botte-Cul). Performance in simple German.

 20:00 Performance 2: Johann Fridolin Lautenschlager’s “Ester” from Fribourg (directed by Cora Dietl). Performance in German. 


SATURDAY 19th July

09:30 Session 2a : Swiss theatre 

  • Estelle Doudet, Stefan Matter, Natalia Wawrzyniak: ‘Fribourg en spectacle. Nouveaux regards sur une culture théâtrale méconnue (1400-1600)’
  • Heidy Greco-Kaufmann: ‘The intertwining of politics and theater in the early Swiss Confederation’

11:00 Session: 2b

  • Karina Fischer: ‘The search for a good wife in a country characterized by denominational conflicts: Lautenschlager’s ‘Ester’ in early modern Fribourg’

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Film: Carnival and the Feast of St. Nicholas in Switzerland (directed by Ryan Raetzer)

15:00 Coffee

15:30 Session 3: Demons I

  • Lucy Deacon, Babak Rahimi, Sarah Khalili

 17:30 Drinks reception

 18:30 Dinner

 20:00 Performance 3:  Enterlude of the Godly Queene Hester, and a Jewish Purim play, presented by Edward’s Boys.  Performance in English.


 SUNDAY 20th July

09:30 Workshop: The Evolving story of the actor-martyr St Genet

Richard Hillman, Claude Bourqui, Simone de Reyff

11:30 Performance 4 : Marguerite de Navarre Trop, Prou, Peu, Moins (directed by Sandy Maillard). Performance in French.

 12:30 Lunch

 13:30 Session 4: Human and non-human actors I

  • Lenke Kovács: ‘Deer, Dragon, and Dove—Non-Human Characters in Late Medieval Catalan Drama’
  • Sandy Maillard: ‘Des oreilles et des cornes : animalité et animalisation dans la pièce de théâtre Trop, Prou, Peu, Moins de Marguerite de Navarre’
  • Magdalena Buszka: ‘Une comparaison des acteurs humains, ainsi que de l’ensemble de la machinerie, dans les trois grands mystères de la fin du Moyen Âge sur sainte Barbe’

15:00 Performance 5: A New Dramatic Adaptation of Roman De Silence (adapted and directed by Lofty Durham). Performance in English.

16:00 Coffee

 16:30 Session 5 : Human and non-human actors II

  • Clare Wright: ‘Transforming Place and Realising Romance at the 1511 Westminster Tournament’
  • Christopher Swift: ‘Machines and Shadows: Islamic Technology and the Performing Arts of the Medieval Mediterranean’
  • Mark Chambers: ‘”Take this, body!”: The Use of Whips and Scourges in Early English Drama’
  • Bart Ramakers: ‘The Performance of Gift-Giving in Netherlandish Table Plays’

20:00 Performance 6: naqqali (traditional Persian storytelling) (performed by Xanthe Gresham Knight). Performance in English


 MONDAY 21st July

10:00 Session 6 : Demons II

  • Elke Huwiler: ‘Demon figures in Saint Plays of the Early Modern Swiss Confederation’
  • Sonia Maura Barillari : ‘La ‘troupe’ des Malebranche à la lumière des représentations florentines contemporaines’
  • Sharon Diane King: ‘My Demon-Haunted, Actors-Undaunted World: Staging the Infernal in Medieval French Comedies’

11:30 Lunch and Performance 7: Two short plays about Job, one Christian, one Islamic. Performance in English.  

13:30 Session 7 : Cultural and Social Context of Medieval Performance II

  • Susannah Crowder: ‘From Fragment to Mosaic in Medieval Performance’
  • Piotr Bering: ‘Performance practices and audience(s) in Late Medieval Poland’
  • Eliška Kubartová: ‘A working taxonomy of cultural performances in Bohemia (900-1500)’
  • Marla Carlson: ‘La Vigne’s Blindman Farce in Seurre, 1496’

15:00 Coffee

15:30 Session 8: Spectatorship I

  • Glenn Ehrstine: ‘Spectatorship and Salvation: The Indulgences of the York Corpus Christi Guild as the Culmination of Audience Engagement with the York Cycle Play’
  • Greg Walker: ‘Embodiment and Kinesis in The World and The Child
  • Daisy Black: ‘Edible Properties: Food, Sense and Sin in the Digby Mary Magdalene
  • Pamela King: ‘’Was never in Scotland hard nor sene / Sic dansing nor deray…’: Burlesque accounts of spectatorship in a lost tradition’

17:00 Performance 8 and drinks: Martin de Cambrai, An anonymous late medieval French farce in original rhymed English translation (Les Enfans Sans Abri, directed by Sharon King). Performance in English.


 TUESDAY 22nd July

10:00 Session 9 : Spectatorship II 

  • Martin W. Walsh ‘Hans Sachs’ Eulenspiegel: Dramatizing a Transgressive Volksbuch
  • Charlotte Steenbrugge: ‘The representation and use of dramatized female and male spectators in dramatic frames in Dutch plays from the late 15th-16th centuries’
  • Ulrike Schwarz: ‘Medieval Epics as performative texts: The Gottfried-Wolfram “Dichterfehde” revisited’

11:30 Lunch

13:00 Performance 9: Man’s Desire and Fleeting Beauty, (directed by Elisabeth Dutton). Translation of a Dutch Rhetoricians’ play. Performance in English.

14:00 Session 10 : Spectatorship III

  • Valentina Salierno: ‘Performances en mouvement : la société autour des représentations théâtrales à Milan à la fin du Moyen Âge’
  • Ivan Missoni : ‘The Question of Reception: The Audience’s Response to Passion Plays’ Performances in Medieval Croatia’
  • Martin Bažil : ‘Coram publico ? Le public et le « drame liturgique » à Rouen, XIe-XIIIe siècle’

15:30 Coffee

 16:00 Session 11 : Demons III

  • Ferran Huerta : ‘Les démons dans la pièce sur la tentation de Jésus Christ dans le MS. 1139 de la Biblioteca de Catalunya’
  • Kateřina Vršecká: ‘The devil in medieval drama and literature of Bohemia’

17:30 Performance 10 and drinks: Unruly Woman (storytelling by Daisy Black). Performance in English.

20:00 Performance 11: An adaptation of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival (directed by Christoph Blanc). Performance in German.


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